Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hi-Tec ion-mask technology

New in to Outdoorkit over the last week or so is the Hi-Tec V-Lite Altitude Ultra Luxe WPi Boot.

Now it might look like just another boot, but theres something rather special about this particular boot. It uses pioneering ion-mask hydrophobic technology. It's all frightfully clever! Here's how it works...

First of all the shoes are loaded into a special ion-mask machine, one pair per chamber. The waterproofing process then begins by removing air from the chamber to form a pressured vacuum. The machine then starts to generate a plasma to activate the surface of the shoes. This is then followed by the chamber being injected with fluro carbons which penetrates every fibre in the shoe. The finishing touches are then put on with a layer 10 nano-metres thick, which is 1000 times thinner than the human hair. And there you have it, a fully waterproof boot, without complicated layers of material!

If you fancy a chuckle, check out Hi-Tec's viral video on 'Liquid Mountaineering', it's definitely one to fool your mate's with!

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