Sunday, July 29, 2012

Welcoming The Olympics In Style!

I have to admit I was a bit dubious about the Olympic Opening Ceremony, would it match up to the likes of Beijing or would their be a calamitous floodlight failure? But quite frankly it was rather epic. Danny Boyle got it spot on, making for a heartfelt, passionate and reflective spectacle. Paying homage to the industrial revolution, our fallen soldiers and everyone who has come together to make Britain what it is today. I thought I'd just sit there as a passive viewer, but like a lot of people I've spoken to after, it did genuinely make you feel proud to be British. That was part of it's beauty I think, it was a fantastic extravaganda for the rest of the world to witness but on the flip side it also had it's quaintness, contemplative qualities which made it...well, uniquely British. I didn't expect to see the Queen jump out of a Helicopter and I didn't expect to see Mr Bean showing off his keyboard skills!

Our medal pursuit has started off a bit slow so far, but there's plenty of events we're in the running to get up on the podium! Rebecca Adlington qualified in her heats earlier this afternoon, so fingers crossed she'll nail it in the freestyle final tonight!

Here at Outdoorkit Towers, we've got some rather impressive offers on the go! We currently have 50% OFF the RRP on Berghaus Men's and Women's Spectrum Micro Fleeces! So we've got it covered if your feeling a bit nippy. To go along with that offer, there's also still a few days left to enter our Merrell Competition, where we're giving away 10 pairs of Sandals in all! Ideal if your jetting off somewhere exotic this Summer, or wanting to keep your feet cool when the sun's out in the U.K!

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