Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men...

I think the quote "The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry" was rather apt for last week. We got ourselves entered into the Berghaus 'Live for Adventure' competition by sending off a collage of everyone doing their stuff in the great outdoors. There were pictures of us skydiving, running marathons, climbing up hills and the guys at Berghaus rather kindly picked us as winners! The to go and see the new Bond film Skyfall where the new Berghaus advert was also being shown in the trailers. We all made sure we were free on the Tuesday night to go and gather at the local cinema and see what we thought of Mr Bond's newest outing.

We arrived, assembled an assortment of food and drink as you do and went to take our place in the screen. After sitting through the trailers and letting out a whispered cheer when the Berghaus advert came on, the movie started. Within the first minute everyone was holding their breath as the screen froze momentarily, it then burst back into life after a few groans. But then, it froze again..and again and after about 5 minutes the lights went up and a poor attendant from the cinema had to waltz down in front of everyone and explain that the screen was broken and we'd have to move somewhere else. So we made our exit to the screen next door (where the film was just beginning) only to find it was full to bursting, we turned around, with our tails between our legs and called it a night, after being given free tickets in compensation for our free tickets of course.

Over the last week, slowly but surely the ODK team have managed to go and check it out, though there are still some of us who remain skyfall-less. Poor Katie in the office went down at 8.30pm on a Saturday evening, having not pre-booked and was promptly turned away, attempt two thwarted, we did chuckle the next morning though!

Here's the Berghaus advert if you havn't seen it yet, it's a bit of a corker!

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