Craghopppers Nosquito Lite Double Convertible Trousers!
When I first heard about craghoppers new double convertible trousers, I was decidedly sceptical. I simply didn't see the point of the extra zip. So I am pleased to report that after walking in the trousers for a week, Craghoppers decision to include that second zip suddenly made a lot more sense.
The trousers themselves are similar to Craghoppers current nosquito convertibles, and share the same excellent mosquito repelling quick drying fabric. After being caught by a short rainstorm in the changeable weather, the trousers dried in the sun and the breeze remarkably quickly, and were totally dry within half an hour. And whilst it's not quite the season for them, previous experience of Craghoppers nosquito products makes me sure that they are as effective at keeping mosquito's away from them as they claim to be.
The second zip started to make sense during the day. It allows for much greater versatility in how you use the trousers. During the first, cooler part of the day I wore them as 3/4 length shorts, and when the sun finally came up I was able to switch to wearing them as the usual knee length shorts. Finally, at my campsite in the evening I was able to wear them as trousers.
This is an improvement on many zip off walking trousers, as I usually find that I can only use them on exceptionally suny days, or for late starts. They eliminated the need to carry a longer pair of shorts with me, and retained all the other advantages of traditional zip off trousers.
So I would have no hesitation in recommending this new design for fair weather walking, and will certainly be looking for double zip offs in future.
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